modern day Mystery School
Metaphysical Center of New Jersey
Our purpose is to educate, enlighten, and encourage spiritual consciousness. Through our classes and events, we aim to help people evolve in consciousness by learning to apply the cosmic laws to their daily life.
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Dear MCNJ members and friends,
As many of you know there are several fires raging out of control in the LA area in California. There are things metaphysicians can do from wherever you live as energy does not depend on time or space.
1. Jim and Basia Conroy (the Tree Whisperers) spoke for MCNJ and gave us tools to mitigate the winds during Hurricane Sandy. With up to 100 mph winds in LA, we, too, can communicate and work in partnership with the Wind and Fire Nature Spirits to lessen, even eliminate, their impact.
2. The Ho’opopno Hawaiian prayer from Dr. Hew Len is powerful. Since we are all One, when we notice something, like the fires, we can clear the part of us inside that is being shown in the outer world. The original prayer is four simple statements:
I’m sorry (for forgetting that we are one—you and the wind, fire)
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you.
Just saying this over and over as a mantra is enough. You don’t have to analyze or understand, just set your intention for the most benevolent outcome.
3. Call upon Jesus or Archangel Michael and his team to spread a fire blanket over the region. We have been told that the Higher Spirits of the unseen world are waiting to help but they cannot interfere. They must be asked. Now is the time to ask.
Remember that you are a powerful being. Use your power wisely and well.

Metaphysics & Parapsychology Program

Metaphysics and Parapsychology - Level 2
Begins February 26. 8-week series.

Metaphysics and Parapsychology - Level 3
Message from MCNJ President
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Metaphysical Mastery Podcast
Join us on Divas That Care Network for special podcasts called Metaphysical Mastery. Held on the third Thursday of each month live at 4PM ET. Call in at 914-338-1479 and look for the replay here afterwards. October 19 podcast is on Shadow Work.
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