Other Classes
Not all the classes described below are offered all the time. Check the Current Schedule for what is being taught this semester.
Developing Clairvoyant & Psychic Abilities – Levels 1, 2, 3
Level 1: Learn to trust your intuition about health and life decisions. Experience advanced Chakra Meditations and be guided to clear emotional blocks in order to open your intuitive abilities. Decipher between fear-based thought-form and higher knowing. Learn to see auras through seeing, feeling and drawing. Receive guidance and readings from Lindsey to open your intuition and clairvoyant abilities.
Level 2: Decipher between negative and positive energies through the practice of clairvoyant and clairsentient development. Practice Medical Intuition and learn to trust your ability. Experience powerful healings as the class enhances their abilities to heal, sense, see, and feel energy.
Level 3: Experience a powerful meditation to the Akashic Records and learn about your Book of Life. Practice clairaudient abilities to help you to connect with your guides and Higher Self to make life decisions. Learn how to see entities, and deal with negative energies through the use of prayers, light energies, and instruments of healing.
Each level offers CEU credits with The International Association of Counselors and Therapists for members; certification otherwise is with NJ Healing Center.
ESP & The Psychic Sciences
Listen to your Sixth Sense. This course will explain the practical dynamics & methodology of ESP. Topics include Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Psychometry, Dreams, Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot, Alternative Healing, Reincarnation & Karma. Bring your questions and experiences!
Healing and the Angels Workshops
Honor the angelic realm and connect with love and gratitude to experience this amazing and powerful day of healing and expansion. Learn how to use an angelic heartlink to connect with the angels’ energy and how to call upon them with a special prayer of invitation. Discover the special gifts of each Healing Angel to support you in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing journey.
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) Training Classes
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is a next generation – hands on – power energy therapy system that gets the “issues out of your tissues”! IET® provides a simple and gentle way to release limiting energy blockages and open the flow of vital life force within the body and throughout the human energy field. It is ideal for self-healing (physical, emotional, mental, karmic and spiritual) as well as for those interested in an energy therapy practice or as a complement to other holistic techniques.
Our IET training classes are each powerful days of self-healing as well as energy therapy certification training. A fully illustrated training guide and certificate are provided with each class. No prior energy therapy experience is needed.
Meditation for All
All world religions encourage meditation, but they all have various techniques. Even medical science promotes meditation for stress release and health, including Harvard’s Dr. Herbert Benson, who wrote Relaxation Response. This course will explore and offer experiences practicing these many different techniques from Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Sufism, the Ancient Wisdom teachings as well as scientific approaches. We will do both guided and silent meditation allowing you to find what best resonates with you. Join us for a relaxing course.
Spiritual Psychology
If it is true that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, how does that change your life? Spiritual Psychology is really the application of metaphysical principles to life. We will explore the questions Who am I? and What am I doing here? through practical experiences with the topics of Consciousness and Vibration, Compassionate Self-Forgiveness, Responsibility and Ownership, Projections, Commitment to Self and Issue Resolution.
Spiritual Psychology in Practice
Play with the skills and knowledge involved in Spiritual Psychology as you identify the archetypes that govern your life, learn the love language that you and others speak, and explore different ways to express your creativity through Visioning. Each 4-hour workshop includes supplies and refreshments.
Tarot: A Spiritual Guide to Living in a Material World
Be your own psychic. Learn how to use this ancient spiritual tool as a guide or road map for every day living. Gain the technique to observe how you create your own destiny through the thoughts you choose. See what your thoughts are manifesting before it happens.
Tarot I, II and III Workshops
Tarot I Workshop
Learn the basic meanings of the Major and Minor Arcana (78 cards) at this in-depth workshop. Special emphasis is given to symbols, colors, and numerology of the cards.
Tarot II Workshop
Learn the various layouts: the Celtic Cross (a special form), yes/no, timing, spiritual destiny, karmic relationships and more. Practice doing a reading applying what you just learned.
Tarot III Workshop
In this workshop you will learn Advanced layouts. Additionally, you will learn techniques for developing your psychic ability with an opportunity to practice.
Note: Tarot I is recommended first, especially if you have no previous knowledge. The Waite-Rider Deck will be used. Bring your own or purchase in class. Space is limited—reservations are required. Bring a bag lunch.
You will leave each session feeling confident to pursue your work with Tarot using practical knowledge. Lots of lively exchanges and fun are part of the workshops.
Inner Wisdom Workshop for Business Success
This class will help you to develop the ability to access your inner wisdom for your business, career and work environment. The goal is to achieve success, balance, growth, harmony and peace of mind. We will explain universal principles, metaphysics and natural laws that are at play, which will then become tools for you to utilize for your success. Topics will include Executive ESP, Goals & Affirmations, Right Brain Experience, Meaning of Success, Tao of Leadership, Conscious Decision Making, Economic Stress, Cause & Effect and Natural Cycles/Rhythms.
The Five Love Languages
There are 5 ways that people communicate with others in their life. You may be using the same English words, but are you speaking the same language? Problems in communication can be eliminated when two people truly understand the meaning behind the words being spoken. Learn the five LOVE LANGUAGES and which one you speak most often. Then identify which ones the other people in your life speak so you can communicate with them more honestly and lovingly.
Chinese Face Reading
Ancient Chinese medicine, which is over 3,000 years old, is based on patterns in nature, in the environment, and in the body. Chinese Face Reading is one branch of this ancient medicine, much like feng shui or acupuncture. Learn how to use this skill in your everyday life to choose the quickest cashier at the grocery checkout or to determine if someone is a good match for a business or romantic relationship. Find out how to read patterns in the features, wrinkles, and markings on the face and what strengths and weaknesses they show. These patterns are like a map you can trust to help you see yourself and others as they truly are.