When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears

In order to access the emotions that bring about conscious coherence, we need to look first to the heart.  Gregg Braden says, “The quality of our emotions determines the instructions our hearts send to our brains.” When the heart is coherent through emotions such as compassion, appreciation, kindness, and love, the messages the cranial brain receives optimize memory, focus, perception, and decision making.  The enteric or gut brain is also affected by increasing our intuitive ability as well boosting the immune system.

The opposite is also true.  When the heart is incoherent through anger, fear, anxiety and other emotions that deplete us, the brain in the head and the one in the abdomen respond accordingly with symptoms of stress, disease, fatigue, depression and other similar negative physical states.

The emotions we convey show us how coherent we are within ourselves, with others, and with the world. As we become more consciously aware of these emotions, and train ourselves to make choices of a higher vibration like love, appreciation, and gratitude, we will move further into 5D. Matt Kahn says the choices we make have to do with how loving/fearful or open/closed our experiences are. 

David Hawkins, in his book Power vs. Force, developed a map of human consciousness using Applied Kinesiology. He experimented for over 20 years identifying a range of vibratory frequencies which coincide with human behaviors and perceptions about life.  He numbered these from 1 to 1,000.  He noted that the two greatest spiritual growth barriers seem to be at level 200 and 500. Two hundred, the level of Courage, represents a profound shift from destructive and harmful behavior to life-promoting lifestyles full of integrity. The second great barrier is level 500, the level of Love, which is a way of being in the world. According to Dr. Hawkins, the reason the level of love is so difficult to achieve is because our ego is rooted in the physical domain as opposed to the spiritual domain, which emerges at level 500.

Because the scale of consciousness is logarithmic or exponential, each incremental point represents a giant leap in power.  Did you know that one person who is at the energetic vibration of 500 can raise the energy field of 750,000 other people around the world?  And one person calibrated at 600, counterbalances the negativity of 10 million people below 200.

With all the support of the souls who have come to Earth to help with its ascension and that of humanity, it has been said that we have reached the tipping point or critical mass needed to cause the shift to happen. We will begin to recognize ourselves and others as part of what White calls “Homo noeticus.”

What will that look like?  People will express a consciousness of compassion and spiritual wisdom with love, joy, peace, and freedom as hallmarks. Some say this shift will probably be complete within the next several decades; others give no date. But all seem to agree it will be complete sometime in the near future.

All souls have the choice to enter the Fifth Dimension, given they have assimilated sufficient light to hold the energy levels that exist in that higher vibration. Many will be choosing to leave the Earth within several decades to move on to other third dimensional experiences in other parts of the universe. They will not have finished with what third-dimensional reality has still to teach them like the process of creating via our thoughts and feelings.  In 3D, this process is slowed down so that we can track in time and space the circumstances of what we hold in our consciousness.

For those of us who are here but not yet living fully in the Fifth Dimension, many of us are on what has been termed “the Bridge” which is Fourth Dimensional experiences intertwined with Third and Fifth Dimension ones.  We know we’re experiencing the Fourth Dimension when we have moments of spiritual awakening and experiences of heart opening. Other times, it can happen when we’re simply feeling clear and quiet inside. Everything within and around us feels lighter, less rigid. There’s a sense of spaciousness and upliftment.

Time is no longer linear in the Fourth Dimension so the perception of past, present and future is more fluid, as the laws of time and space change. There’s an ongoing sense of being in present time. We discover that time is malleable; we can actually stretch and condense it, which is surprising to our third dimensional minds.

Our astral forms naturally morph in 4D as well.  A shaman or holy person who can shape shift has learned how to ground their astral form upon the third dimension so completely that they can temporarily change their third dimensional form. Manifestation is much faster in the Fourth Dimension as well. Something we simply think about can show up very quickly. Thoughts and feelings create reality much more quickly than upon the third dimension.

In general, when we’re experiencing joy, love and gratitude, we’re experiencing fourth dimensional consciousness. Now it is time for science to prove what mystics and wisemen and women have known intuitively for thousands of years.  Bruce Lipton says: “…we are spiritual beings who need love as much as we need food…by realizing that Survival of the Most Loving is the only ethic that will ensure not only a healthy personal life but also a healthy planet.”   

It is also the only way forward, to evolve and become the new human predicted for the Aquarian Age, a conscious human: “Homo noeticus.”

As a result of experiments in meditation, Vera Stanley Alder wrote a book in 1940 called The Fifth Dimension and predicted many aspects of life in the future.  See Part 4 to read what her meditative explorations showed about the future of the world, the future we are now inhabiting.