Wisdom of Your Personal Zodiac
workshop by Dr. Mei Jin Lu
Exploring Communication and Awakening Within Eastern Zodiac Connections
This is an evening of discovery and understanding of what was given to you at birth and what has taken place internally since then within the mystical realms of Eastern Zodiac interconnections and influences. We will explore the principles and characteristics of the Twelve Zodiac animal energies and Five essential natural elements, and how they have affected and shaped your growth, aiming to elevate your perception of yourself and the world around you.
This workshop is designed to prepare you for the mythological energy of the Year of the Dragon, instilling confidence, power, and assertiveness to enable you to successfully navigate through the eventful and opportune year of 2024.

About Dr. Mei Jin Lu
Dr. Mei Jin Lu, a 25th generation descendant of the Quan Zhen Tao Lineage, is a distinguished Taoist philosophy teacher, researcher, and global lecturer. As the director of the I Ching Research Institute in Beijing, President of the US Health Qigong Association, US Taoist Association, and founder of the School of Eastern Philosophy and ‘Qi’ Wellness Center in NJ, she is a dedicated and devoted leader in the field.
Dr. Lu specializes in the Wisdom of Taoism, focusing on fostering total well-being of the body, mind, and soul, emphasizing harmony with nature. She skillfully blends ancient sciences and disciplines, including Astrology, I Ching, Feng Shui, Ba Gua, Longevity strategies, and Alternative healing methods, adapting them to align seamlessly with the western world. With dual bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and English, along with a master’s degree in Information Science and Technology, Dr. Lu elegantly integrates analytical expertise with metaphysical practices, creating a balanced and harmonious fusion of Science and Spirituality.
Beyond teaching, Dr. Lu offers services including mediumship sessions, past life regressions, Feng Shui consultations, and clairvoyant readings. She is the author of ‘Wisdom of Tao Oracle Cards,’ Volumes I – Awakening, and Volumes II – Strategies, published by US Games Systems.
Get access to the workshop video recording
Wisdom of Your Personal Zodiac - workshop recording
Peggy Neligan: Chinese Face Reading
Chinese Face Reading is one branch of ancient Chinese medicine which is over 3,000 years old and is based on patterns in nature, in the environment, and in the body. Peggy Neligan will share her expertise in reading the features, wrinkles, and markings on a face so that you, too, can read a face like a map. This map can tell you where you’ve been and where you’re going on your life’s journey: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you read your own or a loved one’s face, Peggy will show you how face reading reveals a person’s true nature. This allows you to love and have compassion for yourself and others. Take advantage of her free offer and sign up to win one of three free face readings.