When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears

September 14th, 2024 – 7pm

Hermetic Approach to Qigong

Hermetics talks about laws and principles of the universe; Qigong gives us methods to build, balance, and refine our energy and awareness. In this highly interactive seminar, you will learn practical techniques to experience different levels of your being. You will learn how to build your life force with simple Qigong movements, how to easily shift into the emotional energy realm for healing and relaxation, how to activate the clarity of mental calm and how to go beyond the boundaries that usually define us. We’ll use Qigong to connect with the energy and personality of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth for balance and well-being.

Can’t attend live? Join us remotely!

Those who can’t attend live, can join this workshop remotely via a livestream. Livestream link will be emailed to participants after registration.

September 14th, 2024 – 7pm at The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood

113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, NJ 07450(View in Google Maps)

Online pricing: $20 for members and $25 for non-members

($25/$30 at the door)

Gary T. McCabe

Gary T. McCabe embarked on his journey of cross-cultural human development and healing in 1975. During his college years, he collaborated with Anthropologist Dr. A. K. B. Pillai in field studies spanning India, Europe, and America. His exploration extended to the realms of Taijiquan, Qigong, and Healing where he trained under accomplished teachers and earned certifications in Qigong, Applied Qigong therapy, and Massage Therapy. Gary furthered his education through personal mentorship with Master of Yoga, Meditation, Indigenous Healing, and Internal Martial Arts.

With over three decades of experience, Gary has taught in diverse settings, including corporations, hospitals, and community centers. Previously serving as the Director of Holistic Programs at New Pathway Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Counseling Center, Gary now offers weekly virtual and live Qigong, Taijiquan, and wellness programs. He is also the founder of RelaxRenew.com.

Peggy Neligan: Chinese Face Reading
Chinese Face Reading is one branch of ancient Chinese medicine which is over 3,000 years old and is based on patterns in nature, in the environment, and in the body.  Peggy Neligan will share her expertise in reading the features, wrinkles, and markings on a face so that you, too, can read a face like a map. This map can tell you where you’ve been and where you’re going on your life’s journey: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you read your own or a loved one’s face, Peggy will show you how face reading reveals a person’s true nature. This allows you to love and have compassion for yourself and others. Take advantage of her free offer and sign up to win one of three free face readings.